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Нужна с этими , хотябы тест и 2 часть прошу fill in some or any. a: have you got brothers or sisters, franco? b: oh yes. in italy people have very large families. a: really? b: yes. i have six brothers ad two sisters. a: you are kidding (шутишь)! b: no. how about you? a: i don’t have brothers or sisters, but i have cousins. b: how many do you have? a: two. b: well, i have thirty-six! b) 1. there are … pens on the desk. 2. do you have … apples? 3. does she have … oranges? 4. they have … chairs in their garden. 5. there are … books in my schoolbag. 2. odd word out! 1. a day, a lorry, a minute, a year, a month, a week 2. a fly, a ladybird, a bird, a butterfly, a bee 3. at the cinema, at school, at home, in the forest, at night 4. a chair, a sofa, a friend, a bed, a cupboard, a table 5. a fork, a knife, a cup, a car, a glass, a spoon, a plate 6. milk, a nut, an apple, jam, water, a camel, bread, a lemon 7. a cap, trousers, stockings, a mouse, a hat, a dress, a shirt 8. a cat, a pig, a cow, a snake, a puppy, a dog, a hen 9. a puppy, a kitten, a chicken, a dog, a duckling 3. match the words. 1. animals a)сохранять 2. phenomenon b) изобретать 3. subject c)недостатки 4. insects d) любимый 5.mammals e) насекомые 6 country f) предмет 7.to protect g)явление 8. favorite h)млекопитающие 9. to invent i) страна 10.disadvantages j)животные 4. test. 1. it is …….right answer a) a b) the c) - 2. the book of my father. my ………..book. a) father , s b) fathers c) fathers, 3. he was than the day before. a) good b) the best c) better 4…….. are starving in the world today. a) thousands of people b) thousands people c) thousand of people 5. these sweets are very tasty. could you give …….. to me, please? a) it b) them c) they 5. choose the right variant. 1 where tom from? a. are b. is c.am 2 robin and misha students. a. am b. is c. are 3 “are you a pilot? ” “yes ” a. i am b. i’m c. i’m not 4 what nationality ? a. her b. they c. their 5 favourite subject is history. a. she b. he c. her 6 there are two in my schoolbag. a. pencil b. pencils c. pencil’s 7 his birthday is .. june. a. at b. in c. on 8 “is maths your favourite subject? ” “no ” a. is it b. it is c. it isn’t 9 look at that man. what’s name? a. he b. his c. their 10 mr. simpson is teacher. a. we b. our c. ours 11 is that father? a. your b. yours c.you 12 rob have a car, but he has a bike. a.does b. don’t c.doesn’t 13 this isn’t tim’s camera. it’ a. mine b. my c. our 14 old is mrs. white? a. when b. how c. what 15 this car isn’ a. we b. our c. ours 16 mary and stuart a dog. a. has b. have c. can 17 “ is pedro from? ” “spain.” a. where b. what c. who 18 “what is this? ” “ a hamster.” a. he is b. that is c. it is

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А.  1.some)


3.  any)

4.  some)

сэр артур конан дойль был рождён в эдинбурге, в шотландии в 1859. он изучал медицину в эдинбургском университете. это была одна из профессий, которая сподвигла его на написание таких шедевральных детективов, как шерлок холмс. экстраординарные способности холмса к наблюдению ему решать наиболее загадочные случаи с его верного доктора ватсона. холмс потрясающе логичен и тонок. он носит шляпу или кепи, курит трубку и пользуется лупой.

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