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Use the words in braskets to complete the question in an interview a scientist. a: (what / job? ) b: i`m zoologist a: (how long/be/interested in animals? ) b: sinse i was a child? a: (what/work on/at the moment? ) b: i`m doing reserch into bird song/ a: (what do/every day? ) b: i record birds in the wild and i ahalyse their songs/ a: (birdsong/change nowadays? ) b: yes? it is/it`s getting louder a: (why/that happen? ) b: because there is a lot of noise in towns and cities now.the birds have a lot of competition/ a: (how many people/usually/work with? ) b: there are about six people in me team/ a: (publish/an article/yet? ) b: no,we haven`t/we have only just started the research.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) what is your job? 2)how long have you been interested in animal? 3)what are you working on at the moment? 4) what do you do every day? 5)do birdsongs change nowadays? 6)why does that happen? 7)how many people usually work with you? 8)have you published an article yet?

1. Sevil isn’t drinking juice
2. Bob isn’t wearing grey shoes
3. Yusif isn’t eating the cake
4. Jane isn’t dancing with Shams
5. The friends aren’t singing the Happy birthday song

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