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Как правильно читать диалог маркус и девид на

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Ответы на вопрос:

Markus: excuse me, where is the science lesson? david: its in room d. are you new to the school ! ? markus: yes, i am. my names markus.david: my names david. nice to meet you , marcus. your name is strange. how do you spell it? markus: its m-a-r-k-u-s.david: i see. how old are you?   markus: ims twelve. and you? david: im twelve too! are you in class 2e? markus: yes, i am! david: me too! lets go to the science lesson together then!

2) задание.

2 предложение have

3 please

4 thanks

5 slice


Популярно: Английский язык