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Составьте предложение со словами: age, before,still, already.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)i'm about the same age as you are. я примерно того же возраста, что и ты. 2)i want a hot shower before i go back to work. я хочу горячий душ, прежде чем вернуться к работе. 3)no murmur waked the solemn still, save tinkling of a mountain rill. никакие звуки не будили торжественную тишину, кроме журчания горного ручейка. 4)i've already watched this film on the tv я уже смотрел этот фильм по телевизору.

Ihave got a cat. her name is pussy. pussy is three years old. she is grey and fluffy. her eyes are green and her nose is pink. her tail is long.  she is very lazy and loves to sleep. she eats sausages, fish. at night she  hunts mice and in the daytime she catches flies. pussy is very playful. i like to play with her. i love pussy and take care of her. i would love to have a dog and a gold fish too.

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