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Закончите предложения употребив глаголы в past progressive или past simple 1) me when the station ( wait/arrive ) 2) the sea when ( swim/see ) 3) when ? ( play/start ) 4) news ( cry/hear ) 5) frome the theatre when the . ( drive/stop ) 6) when the go/begin ) 7) when , ill. ( leave/become ) 8) a restaurant when i ( work/meet ) 9) angry when letter ( feel/read ) 10) rain/get up )

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) they were waiting for me when i arrived at the station .2) she was swimming in the sea when i saw her .3) were they playing tennis when it started raining? .4) she was crying when she heared the news.5) we were driving home from the theatre when the police stoped us.  6) everyone were going quiet when the concert begun.7) when she was leaving him, he became quite ill.  8) you were working in a restaurant when i first met you.9) i was feeling very angry when i read the letter . 10) it was raining when i got up.

1about 2 afraid 3 why 4 idea 5 rather

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