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Переведите на ! содержание письма было совсем неожиданным, и том решил выяснить, возможно ли экспортировать (продукцию) в столицу. 2. его зарплата высокая, но и его потребности велики. 3. в этой статье вы найдете свежие данные о том, как за последние месяцы изменился доход на душу населения, а также экспорт и импорт италии. 4. труда занимается проблемами рынков труда, исследует данные о деятельности предприятий, их сотрудников и общества в целом. 5. – производитель сообщает, что на экспорт этого товара тре- буется лицензия. – не думаю, что это приятные новос- ти для потребителей.

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He contents of the letter were quite unexpected, and tom decided to find out whether it is possible to export (products) to the capital. 2. his salary is very high, but its needs are great.3. in this article you'll find fresh data about how recent months have changed the income per capita, andalso the export and import of italy.4. labor economics deals with labor market issues, explores data on the activity of enterprises, their employees and society as a whole.5. the manufacturer reports that the export of this product requires a license. – i don't think this is very good news for consumers.

the usa is a relatively young country but it has got a lot of famous people. one of them is albert einstin. he is one of thr famous american scientists in the world. he was born in the middle- class family in germany. at the age of 15 , his family moved to switzerland where einstein graduated from the polytechnic acfdemy of zurich afterthat  he got a job at a patent agency and spent his free time studing philosophy, mathematics and science. in 1905 he formulated the ' theory of relativity' which was published  in 1915. einstein also proved that every planet has a gravitational field and this work made him world- famous. another work was called ' photoelectric low". in 1922 einstein got the nobel prize.

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