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Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу прилагательными: 1. this college is . this theacher is . this class-room is . this map is . this computer is . this woman is . these diskettes are . those note-books are . these children are . those tables are . those books are . these pens are . these boxes are . those men are . these women are . this blackboard is . that note-book is . these lamps are . those doctors are

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Ответы на вопрос:

Везде можно подставить "good"

1) 1. what time shall i get up tomorrow?     2. when shall i get up at seven o'clock?     3. shall i get up    at seven o'clock tomorrow? 2) 1. when will our lesson be over? 3) 1. who shall we be glad to see here on sunday? 4) 1. who will not spend the week-end here?       2. whose son will not spend the week-end here?       3. where will my son not spend the week-end? 5) 1. what shall we do in the evening?       2. what books shall we read in the evening?

Популярно: Английский язык