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Вставьте необходимые личные местоимения. jane is student. is not a pupil. nick works in a hospital. is a doctor. kate and i go to shool. are pupils. my friend and i work at a factory. are workers. ann and mary go in for music. are musicians. take the book. is on the shelf. where is sam? i dont see . i dont know this girl. who is her name is helen. is my niece. works at an office. is an engineer. like very much. works hard every day at the office. this man is her husband. doesnt work at this office. works at a big factory. whose bag is this? its mine. i take it with . this is our room. like it. this workers name is john. i know well. works in our enterprise for five years. peter and steve are my best friends. are engineers, like . work together. our friends are engineers, too.

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Ответы на вопрос:

She,he,we,we,they,it,him,,she,she,it,he,,him,he,. я плохо знаю так что может быть где-то неправильно, но я в 5-ом классе.

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1. Какие девайсы из картинок у вас есть?

2. Какие из них вы бы хотели иметь?

3. Какие из них вы можете использовать для выполнения домашних заданий?

4. Вы любите играть в компьютерные игры?

5. Как часто вы смотрите телевизор / слушаете музыку?


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