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Translate into english. переведите на язык. 1.сегодня погода хуже, чем вчера. 2. кто самый младший у вас в семье? 3. проспект скорины - одна из самых красивых улиц минска. 4. он на 20 лет старше её. 5. это звучит невежливо. 6. летом дни длиннее, а ночи короче.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1today the weather is worse than yesterday. 2 who is the youngest in your family? 3 skorin avenue is one of the most beautiful streets in minsk. 4 he is 20 years older than she is. 5 it sounds impolite. 6 in summer the days are longer and the nights are shorter.

1.  today the weather is worse than yesterday.2.  who is the youngest in your family? 3.  skaryna avenue, one of the most beautiful streets in minsk.4.  he is 20 years older than her.5.  it sounds impolite.6.  in summer the days are getting longer and the nights shorter.


1. me

2. us

3. them

4. ours

5. his

6. our

7. their


1. peter's letter

2. my parents' house

3. my friend's room

4. spanish capital


1. twenty fifth of may nineteen eighty three

2. seventh of june twenty seventy six

3. third of august five hundred fourth

4. thirty fourth off december nineteen thirty nine


1. long - longer - the longest

2. bad - worse - the worst

3. complicated - more complcated - the most complicated

4. wide - wider - the widest

5. useful - more useful - the most useful

6. happy - happier - the happiest

7. nice - nicer - the nicest

8. cheap - cheaper - the cheapest


1. a

2. a, the

3. пропуски

4. a, of

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