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Переведите пару предложений на ! "нужно понимать , что чем умнее ты сейчас , чем больше ты учишь , тем легче тебе потом. важно никогда не переставать учиться и узнавать всё больше нового , если хотите использовать свой потенциал в полном объеме."

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We need to understand that the smarter you are now , the more you teach, the easier it will be for you later.it is important never to stop learning and learn more and more, if you want to use your potential in full. 

1. what do yo feel about going to the cinema?   what do yo feel about  playing chess with me?   what do yo feel about doing our project?   what do you feel about changing your preferences?   what do yo feel about using mobile phones?   2.i'm afraid i have a problem  learning how to drive a car.   i'm afraid i have a problem understanding what you are saying.   i'm afraid i have a problem  reading books in english.   i'm afraid i have a problem  memorizing new words.   i'm afraid i have a problem  finding my keys.   i'm afraid i have a problem with doing my homework.   3. he tries to keep himself  up-to-date on the latest news.   he tries to keep himself busy at work.   he tries to keep himself  happy doing things he doesn’t like to do.   he tries to keep himself  helpful to other people.   he tries to keep himself healthy by going to the gym.   4.a lot of students find it hard to understand some subjects.   a lot of students find it easy to communicate with other people.   a lot of students find it helpful to use a dictionary while translating foreign texts.   a lot of students find it interesting to learn more about other countries.   a lot of students find it boring to solve the equations. 5. english is more difficult than german.   english is far more interesting to learn than russian   english is a lot more complicated than spanish.   english is a good deal more for children than for adults. 6.excuse me, can i ask for a waiter?   . excuse me, can i ask for some water?   .excuse me, can i ask for some sugar?   7.i tried hard , but couldn't get an idea of being in his company.   .i tried hard , but couldn't get an idea of a perfect life   .i tried hard , but couldn't get an idea of living apart from society.   8.make sure you locked the door.   make sure it is fastened correctly.   make sure there is no one around you.

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