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Вставить глагол to be 1. she a lot of work today 2. twice a year students vacations 3. we practical training at hospitals in a year 4. he lectures in biology on mondays 5. they some very nice watches in that shop 6. he any brothers or sisters 7. they a party next week 8. the book many pictures 9. in 2 years i practical training at hospitals 10. i couldnt write the letter a day before because. i no paper at home. 11. our classes over at 3 oclock yesterday 12. english the most popular language in our country 13. now i a student but in several years i a doctor 14. our professors at the conference next week 15. there three patients in the fifth ward now 16. our academy 7 departments now 17. the students some exams in 3 months

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Вставить глагол to be 1. she is in for a lot of work today. 2. twice a year students are on vacations. 3. we are in for practical training at hospitals in a year. 4. he is at lectures in biology on mondays. 5. they are selling some very nice watches in that shop. 6. is he a close relative any brothers or sisters? 7. they are having a party next week. 8. the book is full of many pictures. 9. in 2 years i am having practical training at hospitals. 10. i couldn't write the letter a day before because. i was in no possession of paper at home. 11. our classes were over at 3 oclock yesterday. 12. english is the most popular language in our country. 13. now i am a student but in several years i shall be a doctor. 14. our professors will be at the conference next week. 15. there are three patients in the fifth ward now. 16. our academy is of 7 departments now. 17. the students are to have some exams in 3 months.

А)показателм 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в present indefinite -  завтришний мир открывает новые возможности для тех кто думаетб)признаком множественного числа имени - самых большых городов в великобритании как университет и коледж высшего образованиясуществительного. в)показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного.практика делает совершенным(пословица)

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