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Можно перевод на мой любимый герой из мультфильма "алёша попович и тугарин змей". я мне нравится этот герой, его зовут алёша. он богатырь и у него много хороших качеств: он умный, красивый, добрый и честный герой. у него есть возлюбленная любава. мой персонаж выглядит статным молодым человеком. он одет в обыкновенную белую распашонку, красные сапожки и жёлто-рыжие в полоску. у него русые волосы и короткая стрижка. он обладает могучей силой и умом. ещё у него большие голубые глаза и крупненький нос.

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Ответы на вопрос:

My favorite hero is from the cartoon "alesha popovich and tugarin the serpent." i really like this character, his name is alyosha. he is a hero and he has many good qualities: he is an intelligent, handsome, kind and honest hero. he has lubava's lover.my character looks very handsome young man. he is dressed in an ordinary white pajamas, red boots and yellow-red stripes. he has blond hair and a short haircut. he has powerful strength and intelligence. he also has big blue eyes and a big nose.

My favorite character from the cartoon "alesha popovich and tugarin the serpent". i really like this hero, his name is alyosha. he's a hero and he has many good qualities: he's smart, handsome, kind and honest character. he has a girlfriend lyubava.  my character looks very handsome young man. he is dressed in ordinary white vest, red boots, and yellow-red stripes. he had brown hair and a short haircut. he has great strength and intelligence. even his large blue eyes and a pretty nose.

This is simon he is stella and suzy's brother

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