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Write the answers to these sums. forty-eight: twelve-six= подскажите

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Ответы на вопрос:

14-8: 12-6=6: 6=1(one)

The chiefs were excited – each of them was hoping that the king prefers  (предпочитает,  но можно и will prefer- предпочтет)  him to the others. they were about to quarrel when king edward appeared on the balcony. everybody kept silent waiting what the  king will say.  - chiefs and people of wales, - he began – you said you want to be  ruled by a man who was born in wales, who speaks  your language and does not   know a word of english, who is  honest and does (но возможно и did, и  will do)  nobody harm. if i  offer you such a man, do  you promise to obey him? -  -we do, - they answered. - here is such a man. it is my son. he was born here in wales a week  ago, he does  not know a word of english, he  does (но возможно и did,   и   will do)  nobody harm. he will be  prince of wales.  everybody kept silent. the chiefs were disappointed though each of them  was happy that at least his rival had  not been chosen.  ever since that time the elder son of the english king is prince of wales.

Популярно: Английский язык