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Everybody knows by this time that we first met lautisse1 on shipboard but few people know that in the beginning betsyand i had no idea who he was. learn the following phrases a) recall the sentences in which they are used in the text and b) us them in sentences of your own on shipboard

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Кэтому времени все знают, что мы впервые встретились с лаутиссой1 на корабле, но мало кто знает, что в начале бетси и я понятия не имел, кто он такой. выучить следующие фразы: а) вспомнить те предложения, в которых они используются в тексте и б) нам их в предложения собственной на корабле

you can't promise me anything? - i cant.

2. today is beautiful weather, isn't it? - yes.

3. don't be so impatient, ok?

4. they have a big tv, right? - yes, big.

5. we had a great time yesterday, right?

6. everyone is happy, isn't it? - i think yes.

7. he is absent today, isn't he? - no, he's here.

8. i'm right? - in my opinion, no.

9. let's ask him for advice, eh?

10. she's not good at cooking, is she? - why? good

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