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Have you ever been (be) to spain? - это пример no, i .but my younger sister (go) there last year. what she (do) there? she (study) spanish in madrid. she (like) the country? yes, she . spain is a wonderful countre? ! к завтрошнему нужно. 15 .

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Ответы на вопрос:

Have you ever been (be) to spain? - это примерno, i have not .but my younger sister went (go) there last year.what was she doing (do) there? she studied (study) spanish in madrid.does she like (like) the country? yes, she do. spain is a wonderful country! ! к завтрошнему нужно.

1). no i haven't, 2).what did she do there? 3) she studied.. 4). does she 5).she

The mother advised her daughter to use less make-up, because (or) she would look silly. - мама посоветовала своей дочери использовать меньше косметики, иначе та будет выглядеть глупо. the elderly lady thanked the boy for helping with her luggage. - старая леди мальчика за с ее багажом. the son confessed to his mother that he had broken her favourite case. - сын признался матери, что он сломал ее любимую вазу. the student apologized for coming so late. - студент извинился за позднее опоздание. the elder brother explained to the younger brother how that ruled worked. - старший брат объяснил младшему, как то правило работало. the boy invited his friend for his birthday party. - мальчик пригласил своего друга на день рождение. the child suggested to build a sandcastle together. - ребенок предложил вместе построить песчаный замок.

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