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Переведите на , без переводчика. моя школа просторная , светлая и красивая . в ней 3 этажа . на первом и третьем этажах у нас несколько кабинетов . на втором этаже много кабинетов, учительская, столовая, а также стенды с расписанием и разной информацией. школьная форма у нас обычная - белый верх, тёмный низ. также в нашей школе иногда проходят разные мероприятия или конкурсы, в которых принимают участие многие классы, в том числе и наш. мне нравится ходить в школу , ведь там мои друзья и учителя, которых я люблю. но есть единственный минус. это вторая смена. учиться во вторую смену ужасно, потому что когда ты поздно приходишь домой, ты сильно устаёшь и не успеваешь сделать работу. а так всё даже хорошо

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My school is spacious , bright and beautiful . it has 3 floors . on the first and third floors we have several offices . on the second floor of many classrooms, teachers ' room, dining room as well as booths with different schedules and information. school uniform we usually have a white top, dark bottom. also in our school sometimes hosts different events and competitions, which involved many classes, including ours. i like to go to school , because there my friends and teachers that i love. but there is the only negative. this is the second shift. to study the second shift is awful because when you get home late, you're very tired and have no time to do homework. and so all very good

My school is spacious, bright and beautiful. it has 3 floors. on the first and third floors we have several offices. on the second floor there are a lot of classrooms, a teacher's room, a dining room, as well as stands with a schedule of lessons and information. the school uniform at us usual - a white top, dark trousers. also in our school sometimes there are different events or competitions, in which many classes, including ours, take part. i like going to school, because there are my friends and teachers whom i love. but there is one disadvantage. this is the second shift. learning the second shift is terrible, because when you come home late, you get very tired and do not have time to do homework. and so everything is very good.

i have a pet.his name is Jony. he is 3years old. my pet is very beautiful and calm. my pet helps me. i and with my pet we go for a walk. i lovw my pet

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