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Переведите на предложение: например, когда ребенок сталкивается с проблемой пьянства или наркомании в семье, существует большая вероятность того, что у него также будут вредные привычки

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For exemple, wnen child is faced with the problems or drunkennes or drug addiction in his family, such a high likelihood that he will also be a bad habits.

When child meet with alcohol or drug trouble in family , he can high probability that he will also have bad habits

For people, the best medicines are resting and fasting. While a person rests, he can relax, and his body will have time to recover. The fasting is useful because our bodies are restored at that time, there are less loads. People should more often take these medicines. After all, it is important to take care of yourself and about your body.

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