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1).они были такой красивой парой, жаль, что они развелись. 2) так как мой друг живет по соседству, мы часто ходим в гости друг к другу. 3) я навещаю бабушку трижды в неделю, потому что она живет всего лишь в 100 километрах от казани. 4) в пригороде уфы открылся новый центр семейного досуга, куда мы ходим каждые выходные. 5) после развода мой сводный брат остался жить с отчимом. 6) в нашей группе в среднем по одному ребенку в семье. 7) вторая жена моего отца переехала в питcбург, откуда она родом. 8) после учебы мы ходим домой вместе, поскольку живем на одной улице перевести 10 ещё добавлю

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Ответы на вопрос:

1).they were a handsome pair, very sorry that they divorced. 2) since my friend lives in the neighborhood, we often go to visit each other. 3) i came to visit my grandmother three times a week, because she lives just 100 kilometers from kazan. 4) in the suburb of ufa opened a new family entertainment center, where we go every weekend. 5) after the divorce, my brother left to live with his stepfather. 6) in our group, on average, one child in the family. 7) the second wife of my father moved to pittsburgh, where she came from. 8) after school we go home together because we live on the same street

1). they were such a beautiful couple, very sorry that they divorced. 2) since my friend lives next door, we often visit each other. 3) i visit my grandmother three times a week, because she lives only 100 kilometers from kazan. 4) a new center of family leisure has opened in the suburbs of ufa, where we go every weekend. 5) after divorce, my stepbrother lived with his stepfather. 6) in our group there is an average of one child per family. 7) my father's second wife moved to pittsburgh, where she comes from. 8) after school we go home together, because

Many years ago different natural disasters 1) ) on our planet. people 2) ) from hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts and volcano eruptions which 3) ) cities, 4) ) away houses and even farm animals. people 5) ) their homes. many of them 6) ) during terrible earthquakes and hurricanes. nowadays scientists 7 ) ) to predict these catastrophes. emergency workers together with the police and the army 8) ) people in difficult situations. hopefully in the future researchers ) more about nature and ) new machines and devices which ) to predict all possible dangers. people ) a better chance to protect themselves.

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