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Перевести на : летом мы семьёй отдыхали на море, в сочи. там мы остановилась в отеле. добирались мы туда на автомобиле.там мы ходили на разные экскурсии, в парк, в аквапарк. мы там были 2 недели.

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In the summer we had a family vacation on the sea, in sochi. there we stayed at the hotel. we got there on the car. there we went on different excursions, to the park, to the water park. we were there for 2 weeks.


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2. it was clear that the new computer program was not being used (by the managers).

3. last saturday all the novels by this author were sold out.

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5. mobiles are being used in many ways.

6. the newspapers wrote that the criminal had been seen in the port.

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