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Напишите произношение на enjoys their visit to momi. in momi the history and magic of cinema and tv is explained. there are hundreds of clips films and tv-programmes. visitors take an active part. you can act in a hollewood western, select a film to watch, or even draw your own cartoon film. during your visit you can also meet characters from the past. visitors can ask any guestions about the time in history from which the characters come. its both interesting and good fun!

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ˈɛvrɪwʌn  ɪnˈʤɔɪz  ðeə  ˈvɪzɪt  tuː  ɛm-əʊ-ɛm-aɪ.  ɪn  ɛm-əʊ-ɛm-aɪ  ðə  ˈhɪstəri  ænd  ˈmæʤɪk  ɒv  ˈsɪnəmə  ænd  ˌtiːˈviː  ɪzɪksˈpleɪnd.  ðeə r  ɑː  ˈhʌndrədz  ɒv  klɪps  fɪlmz  ænd  ˌtiːˈviː-ˈprəʊgræmz.  ˈvɪzɪtəz  teɪk  ən  ˈæktɪv  pɑːt.  juː  kæn  ækt  ɪn  ə  hollewoodˈwɛstən,  sɪˈlɛkt  ə  fɪlm  tuː  wɒʧ,  ɔː r  ˈiːvən  drɔː  jɔː r  əʊn  kɑːˈtuːn  fɪlm.  ˈdjʊərɪŋ  jɔː  ˈvɪzɪt  juː  kæn  ˈɔːlsəʊ  miːt  ˈkærɪktəz  frɒm  ðəpɑːst.  ˈvɪzɪtəz  kæn  ɑːsk  ˈɛni  guestions  əˈbaʊt  ðə  taɪm  ɪn  ˈhɪstəri  frɒm  wɪʧ  ðə  ˈkærɪktəz  kʌm.  ɪts  bəʊθ  ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ  ænd  gʊd  fʌn !  

1is.i'll go 2will have.arrives 3will leave.stops 4will begin.becomes 5i'll do.come 6will stay.don't finish 7i'll talk.washes 8will play.get

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