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Present simple (по 3 предложения на утверждение, отрицание, вопрос), present continious ( по 3 предложения на утверждение, отрицание, вопрос)

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Ответы на вопрос:

Сразу говорю, + это утверждение, - отрицание, ? вопрос. present simple 1)+he likes to ride a bike sometimes. -he doesn`t like to ride a bike sometimes. ? does he like to ride a bike sometimes? 2)+i go to sea every day.  -i don't go to sea every day ? do you go to sea every day? 3)+they always go to the club. -they always don't go to the club. ? do they always go to the club. present continius 1)+he is shouting at me now. -he isn't shouting at me now. ? is he shouting at me? 2)+radio is working. -radio isn't working. ? is radio working? 3)+i am playing football now. -i amn't playing football now. ? am i playing football now?

There are many tigers and lions in africa. elephants like bananas. monkeys are funny animals can cats swim? my cat is very beautiful; it has bright green eyes and red thick hair. do you like dogs? yes i do. i like big dogs. do your parents work on saturdays? no they don't. on saturdays we seldom go to the park all together. does your friend swim well? yes he does. he lives in samara and swims in volga. look! what is there in the tree? a big red bird. does your brother like cats? no he doesn't. he likes only computer. it is his hobby. do giraffes live in russia? yes thay do. thay live in the zoo

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