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Перевести на блогадарна моей учительнице ,за её труд ! передай ей от меня ! я скоро вернусь в россию ,это будет самым большим подарком для меня! хочу посетить санкт-петербург ,в часто идут дожди,но все равно приятно выпить чаю накрыться одеялом и смотреть на дождь ,какая у вас погода ? хочу вас увидеть ! от всего сердца айша .по скриптам .провидем хорошо время!

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Ответы на вопрос:

I'm thankfull to my teacher for her work! say hello to her from me! i will be back in russia soon, it will be the greatest present for me! i want to visit saint petersburg, in england it's raining very often, but still it's very good to drink a cup of tea, put on a blanket and look at the rain, what is the weather in your place? i want to see you!                                                     from the heart, aisha p. s.   we will have a great time!

I'll be back to russia, this will be the biggest gift for me! i want to visit st. petersburg, in england it often rains, but still it's nice to have a cup of tea covered with a blanket and look at the rain, what is your weather? i want to see you! aisha wholeheartedly. as for the scripts, we'll see the time is good!

1.Thanks,i’m fine!)
2)I don’t know
4)Im not thinking about that)
8.Now,I m living in Ukraine/др

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