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Диалог про лето на языке с переводом.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hey, how did you spend your summer holiday? - oh, that was fine, my friends and i went to the countryside and had a lot of fun with the girls and their boomshine. - boomshine? what's that? - umm, it's like vodka but even stronger. and homemade. - ahh, gotcha. russians call it "samogon". and what about the girls? - yeah, those chicks are just pure tornadoes. but there's one little thing, they're strong. very strong physically. if they're not up for it, you're in danger of getting your ass kicked. - wow, i can't believe it. - yes, that sounds a bit far-fetched, but it is. anyways. i gotta go, c ya! - take care! здаров, как лето провёл? - о, классно. мы с друзьями поехали в деревню и там знатно повеселились с тамошними девчонками и штекером. - штекером? чё это? - , это типа водки, но посильнее. и самодельное. - а, въехал. это называют "самогон". а чё там насчёт девчонок? - да, девчонки те - просто торнадо. но есть такая они сильные. сильны . и если они не в духе к этому самому - могут запросто те надавать звездюлей. - чё, правда? ни в жисть не поверю. - да, это кажется невероятным. но ладно, пора мне отваливать, покеда. - давай.  

нello!   my name is (имя).  i'm old.  i live in (город).i think that i'm smart and resourceful girl.  i love to converse in english since childhood.  when i was 3 years old, i knew only a few words in english.  now i'm trying to learn to speak in english.  my motto is "always be first."  when i grow up, i want to achieve some success in life, i guess my problem - very good english.  i have several books and dictionaries, in which i teach english.  in addition, i meet with the english by computer disc "learn english with alex."  i go to school in the 7th grade.i am learning english with the help of a clever and a good teacher.  her name is nadezhda.  i'm taking english lessons with pleasure.

Популярно: Английский язык