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Мне нужно составить 7 предложений на , "мой типичный день зимой" или другое время года. заранее огромное )

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Ответы на вопрос:

In winter i'll be skating and skiing, making snowmen, snowballs.  in summer i will swimming in the river, hanging out with friends, go to the sea with the family. in autumn i will go back to school, make a photo session with beautiful autumn leaves. in spring, i will celebrate my birthday, invite my friends to go to the cinema and i will wait for summer.

hello, ivan!


how are you?

great, and you?

me too. what are you doing today?

well, i’m thinking what to do.

what about going to the new car  exhibition?

ok, when does it open?

at six o’clock.


Популярно: Английский язык