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Перевести на язык описание картин. 1)на картине изображена мама с дочкой (возможно сестра). она читает ребёнку книгу и пытается её чему-то научить. малышка выглядит забавно и явно не испытывает интерес.они находятся на улице,скорее всего на заднем дворе дома. 2)на картине изображён молодой человек.скорее всего он студент и устроился на работу,чтобы заработать денег.он работает в кафе быстрого питания.сейчас он скорее всего занят приготовлением бургера.на нём белая форма и головной убор.в руках у него специальные,кухонные приборы для приготовления пищи. 3)на картине изображён мальчик и возможно его мама или классный руководитель.он ей пересадить цветы.на руках у него специальные перчатки для работы с землёй,а так же горшочки с розовыми цветами.судя по фону,они находятся в каком-то саду,где много цветов.они довольны своей работой.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) the picture shows a mother with her daughter (maybe a sister). she reads a book to a child and tries to teach her something. the baby looks funny and obviously does not have any interest. they are on the street, most likely in the backyard of the house. 2) the picture depicts a young man. most likely he is a student and got a job to earn money. he works in a fast food cafe. now he is probably busy preparing a burger. he has a white uniform and a hat. in his hands are special, kitchen appliances for cooking. 3) the picture shows a boy and maybe his mother or class teacher. he helps her transplant flowers. in his hands he has special gloves for working with the ground, as well as pots with pink flowers. judging by the background, they are in some kind of garden , where many flowers. they are satisfied with their work.

1) the picture shows a mother with her daughter (maybe a sister). she reads a book to a child and tries to teach her something. the baby looks funny and obviously does not have any interest. they are on the street, most likely in the backyard of the house. 2) the picture depicts a young man. most likely he is a student and got a job to earn money. he works in a fast food cafe. now he is probably busy preparing a burger. he has a white uniform and a hat. in his hands are special, kitchen appliances for cooking. 3) the picture shows a boy and maybe his mother or class teacher. he helps her transplant flowers. in his hands he has special gloves for working with the ground, as well as pots with pink flowers. judging by the background, they are in some kind of garden , where many flowers. they are satisfied with their work.

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draw a picture

sing a song

climb a tree

skate in the park

look at the doll

sleep in a tent

read a book

write a letter

run to school


на фото

решити это а то мне конец я пишу 20 слово потомушто меня заставели это делят или это хрань не выложе

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