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Подставьте слова,к нужному определению: 1celebrate.а)gathering together in ceremonial order for purpose of being looked at 2congratulate. б)to enjoy oneself on a special occasion 3present.в)to speak with admiration for a happy event os something succesfully done 4party.г) special actions for making am important public,private or regious event 5parade.д)a gift 6fireworks.з)the yearly retum of the day of the year on wich something good happened

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Ответы на вопрос:

1celebrate. з) the yearly retum of the day of the year on wich something good happened 2 congratulate. в) to speak with admiration for a happy event os something succesfully done 3 present. д) a gift 4 party. б ) to enjoy oneself on a special occasion 5 parade. а) gathering together in ceremonial order for purpose of being looked at 6 fireworks. г) special actions for making am important public,private or regious event

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вжгиыэщтаэкоа на каком основании это 6к и как он с ним будет жить и что

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