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Дорогой билл, ! я - макс и мне 10 лет . я из россии. живу я в брянске. вот фото моей семьи и наших родственников . моих родителей зовут анна и николай . моя мама стройная со светлыми волосами и голубыми глазами. моим родителям 35 лет . у меня сестры нет , но у меня есть два брата, олег и денис. им они близнецы и 7 лет . у меня есть тётя. её зовут наташа . она сестра моей мамы.она учительница и она замужем за павлом. у них детей нет . им немного за 20 . итак, это всё обо мне и моей семье. , пиши. пока, макс переведите на ! зарание !

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Dear bill,hi! i'm max and i'm 10 years old . i'm from russia. i live in bryansk. here is a photo of my family and our relatives .my parents name is anna and nicholas . my mom is slender with blond hair and blue eyes. my parents 35 years . i have no sisters but i have two brothers, oleg and denis. they are twins and 7 years . i have an aunt. her name is natasha . she is the sister of my mother.she's a teacher and she's married to paul. they have no kids . they are a little over 20 .so, it's all about me and my family.please write.yetmaх

Dear bill,hello! i'm max and i'm 10 years old. i'm from russia. i live in bryansk. here are photos of my family and our relatives.my parents are anna and nikolay. my mother is slim with blond hair and blue eyes. my parents are 35 years old. i have no sister, but i have two brothers, oleg and denis. they are twins and 7 years old. i have an aunt. her name is natasha . she's my mom's sister. she's a teacher and she's married to pavel. they have no children. im a little over 20.so, it's all about me and my family.please, write.till,mamx

Windsor castle is a royal residence at windsor in the english county of berkshire. the castle is notable for its long association with the british royal family and for its architecture. the original castle was built in the 11th century after the norman invasion by william the conqueror. since the time of henry i, it has been used by succeeding monarchs and it is the longest-occupied palace in europe. the castle's lavish, early 19th-century state apartments are architecturally significant, described by art historian hugh roberts as "a superb and unrivalled sequence of rooms widely regarded as the finest and most complete expression of later georgian taste". the castle includes the 15th-century st george's chapel, considered by historian john robinson to be "one of the supreme achievements of english perpendicular gothic" design. more than five hundred people live and work in windsor castle

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