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Выпишите, , из этих предложений сказуемые. буду . 1. we both belong to a rock band. paddy is the drummer. listen! he’s playing the drums now. we’re doing really well these days — we’re getting quite popular. 2. it’s funny, we never call him patrick. he’s just paddy to us. unfortunately, i don’t see him very much now, but we often email each other. we’re really interested in football. 3. i come from ireland and my wife’s english — i think paddy’s very proud to have some irish blood in him! 4. paddy’s five years older than me. he hates the music i listen to and he doesn’t like my friends but he’s ok. 5. i’m really proud of patrick. he comes home to visit us quite often. in fact, he’s staying here at the moment because it’s the christmas holidays. 6. he’s studying at london university. i love him, but he’s very busy. he belongs to lots of different clubs and societies, but he’s always late.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Both, listen! , playing, doing, getting, call, see, email, interested, come, think, hates, listen, like, proud, comes, visit, staying, studying, love, belongs, late.


1. If I was you, I would get a new profession

2. If Katya wasn't always so late, she would be promoted to the senior position

3. If I spoke perfect English, I would have a better paid job

4. If Roma passed the exam, he wold be able to enter our college.

5. Sveta would be happier if she had better friends.

6. We would buy a house if we decided to live here for good.

7. We would come to the party if we had tive

8. Tanya would call him if she had his mobile phone number.

9. Kirill would pass the exam if he studied harder.

10. We would never be late again if we bought this new car. I promise.

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