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A) hasn’t got b) haven’t c) not has d) haven’t got 17 has anna got a boyfriend? … a) no, she hasn’t. b) no, she hasn’t got. c) no, she haven’t. d) no, she not. 18 a) he no can speak spanish. b) he can’t speaks spanish. c) he can’t to speak spanish. d) he can’t speak spanish. 19 … on the right in britain. a) you mustn’t to drive b) you not must drive c) you mustn’t driving d) you mustn’t drive 20 whose desk is this? … a) it’s of robert. b) it’s robert. c) it’s robert’s. d) it’s to robert. 21 a) you he likes. b) he likes you. c) he you likes. d) you likes he. 22 i speak french and english. david only … english. a) speak b) does speak c) do speak d) speaks 23 does michelle like john? a) no, she not. b) no, she doesn’t. c) no, she don’t. d) no, she doesn’t like. 24 a) he don’t smoke. b) he not smoke. c) he doesn’t smokes. d) he doesn’t smoke. 25 a) what means this word? b) what does mean this word? c) what does this word mean? d) what is this word mean? 26 walk! a) run not. b) not run. c) don’t run. d) no run. 27 listen! i … to you. a) am talking b)talk c) do talk d) am talk 28 we can’t go out now. … a) it rains. b) it’s raining. c) it rain. d) it raining. 29 a) come at nine o’clock in friday. b) come on nine o’clock on friday. c) come at nine o’clock on friday. d) come at nine o’clock at friday. 30 do you go … school by bus? a) at b) in c) on d) to 31 a) what you are doing? b) what’s you doing? c) what are you doing? d) what are you do? 32 she usually … to bed at about 11.30. a) go b) is going c) does go d) goes 34 …. people over there are german. a) there b) this c) that d) those 35 come and look at … photograph. a) these b) that c) this d) those 36 how many chairs are there? a) there are five. b) there is five. c) it is five. d) they are five. 37 five people in my family. a) there are b) they are c) it is d) there is 38 i haven’t got … money. a) no b) some c) … d) any 39 there is … sugar in this coffee. a) a lot of b) much c) many d) a lot 40 how much money have you got? a) much. b) not much. c) a lot of. d) not many. 41 there are … people here already. a) a few b) a little c) much d) a lot 42 … late this morning? a) were you b) was you c) you were d) you was 43 was she at school yesterday? a) no, she weren’t. b) no, she wasn’t. c) no, she not. d) no, wasn’t. 44 were there many people at the party? a) yes, there were. b) yes, they were. c) yes, it was. d) yes, there was. 45 how long … ? a) waited he b) did he waited c) he waited d) did he wait 46 did tim and mark win the match? a) no, they not. b) no, they did. c) no, they didn’t. d) no, they don’t. 47 sarah … out last night. a) didn’t went b) didn’t goes c) didn’t go d) no went 48 why … to your party? a) they not come b) they didn’t come c) not they came d) didn’t they come 49 … to a disco last night? a) went you b) did you go c) did you went d) you go 50 i came to england …english. a) for learning b) for to learn c) to learn d) to learning 51 a) i never go to bed before ten. b) i go never to bed before ten. c) never i go to bed before ten. d) i go to bed before ten never. 52 she ‘s … than me. a) more old b) older c) more older d) most old 53 he’s … at tennis than football. a) more good b) better c) best d) more better 54 england is … than spain. a) expensiver b) more expensiver c) more expensive d) the more expensive 55 it was … day of the summer. a) the hottest b) the most hot c) the most hottest d) hottest 56 you’re not … me. a) as tall than b) as taller as c) tall as d) as tall as 57 i … television this evening. a) am going to watch b) watching c) watch d) go to watch 58 a) what time is the train going to leave? b) what time the train is going to leave? c) what time is going to leave the train? d) what time going to leave is the train? 59 i enjoy … early. a) to get up b )getting up c) to getting up d) get up 50 a) you will come with me tomorrow? b) do you come with me tomorrow? c) come you with me tomorrow? d) will you come with me tomorrow? 61 oh no! … my key. a) i lost b) i’ve lost c) i’m lost d) i’ve lose 62 a) where they have gone? b) where have they gone? c) where have they went? d) where have they go? 63 a) i’ve never be to america. b) i never been to america. c) i’ve never been to america. d) i never was to america.

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17 а 18d 19d 20c 21b 22 d 23b 24d 25b 26c 27b 28b 29c 30d 31c 32d 34c 35c 36a 37a 38d 39b 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

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