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Напишите письмо по на тему как я провел свое лето. лучше чтоб было про деревню. достаточно от 10-12 предложений. заранее : )

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Dear ann,   i was very glad to hear from you. i haven't written for ages because of my school activities.   now i want to tell you about my summer holidays. when my holidays came i was very happy!   the weather was fine so my friends and i went for a walk every day. it was fun! then i spent a month in the country where my grandfather and grandmother lived. it was great. i drank milk and ate a lot of tasty food which my granny prepared for me. i have many friends in this village because i go there every holidays. we played football and tennis every day! there is a small river near the forest and we swam when the weather was fine. it was great!   i liked my holidays very much.   that's enough for me today. i have to go now.   best regards to your family. write soon.   yours anita дорогая анна, я рада получить весточку от тебя. я не писала долго, потому что была занята своими школьными делами.теперь я хочу рассказать тебе о моих летних каникулах. когда наступили каникулы, я была счастлива!   погода была хорошая, так что мои друзья и я ходили гулять каждый день. это было весело! затем я провела месяц в деревне, где   живут  мои дедушка и бабушка  . это было здорово. я пила молоко и ела много вкусной пищи, которую моя бабушка готовила для меня. у меня много друзей в этой деревне, потому что я езжу туда каждые каникулы. мы даже играли в футбол и теннис! около леса есть небольшая речка. мы купались, когда погода была хорошая. это было здорово!   мне понравились мои каникулы. думаю достаточно на сегодня. я должна идти. с наилучшими пожеланиями твоей семье. пиши быстрее. твоя анита.

Their elder daughter, gayathri, (take) 0 has taken part since she was nine years old, and her younger brother rahul 11 (has just won)  the first prize of $40,000 at his first attempt. rahul and gayathri 12 (had been studying) hard to reach the final, which was shown on television all over the us. mr. hathwar helped his children beforehand by making lists of words and checking their meaning. he was confident they 13 (would do) well. rahul had even 14 (stopped) playing computer games and doing his other hobbies to concentrate on learning spellings. “i 15 (do not regret) it,” he says. “the spelling bee 16 (has taught) me to work hard. i 17 (did not expect) to come first so i was amazed at the result. i was so anxious when i arrived at the television centre i 18 (could not  stop shaking.” gayathri admitted she was a little disappointed that she 19 (had never become)  a winner. but now she 20 (is)  very proud of her brother’s success. 

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