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Вставьте артикли,где необходимо 1. when i went into hotel, man at reception desk asked me what he could do for me. i saw man at recep tion desk. 2. i want seat in a first-class sleeper, please.i am seat is taken. 3. life is impossible water. water isn’t warm enough. 4. woman answered that she wanted two return tickets. "is there anyone else in the waiting-room? ” “yes, woman wants to speak to you.” 5. where is enquiry office? is there enquiry office at this airport? 6. do you want lower or upper berth? lower berth is taken, but upper berth is still vacant. 7. do you mind my opening window? let’s make win dow in our tent. 8. i’ve got son and . she is daughter of doctor. 9. peoples of .. world are fighting for peace. we are fighting for lasting peace for all peoples of world. 10. success of operation meant life to sick man. jacksons lived quiet life some where in south. 11. we don’t want war. we don’t new war. 12. i advise you to read article on foreign trade in yesterday’s newspaper. 13. “, will you give best toy to me or to my little sister? ” child asked. 14. “what did you get in ? ” mother asked her son when he came home from school. 15. in many of his novels dickens, famous english writer, described life of poor people. 16. comrade petrov, young engineer from our factory, has just returned from far east. 17. " times” is english daily paper. 18. at first it seemed that nothing would break the silence, not word was spoken, not sound was heard. suddenly there was cry, then second and third. 19. what wonderful weather we are having! 20. what nice day!

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1the, the, the,a, the 2 a, the 4 the, a 5the, an    6 a, an,the, the 7the, a 8 a, a, the, a 9-, the 10 the,, the,a,the 11 -,a 12 13the, the 14-, -, -, 15a,the,- 16a, the 17the, the 18a,a,a,the,the 19- 20a

1 what children already read ?

2 what did children already read ?

3 who did already read the book ?

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