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1. вставьте must или have to (в нужной форме). jack left before the end of the meeting. he go home early. in britain many children wear uniform when they go to school. when you come to london again, you visit us. last night don became ill suddenly. we call a doctor. you really work harder if you want to pass the examination. i'm afraid she can't come tomorrow. she work late. this film is awesome! you watch it! caroline may go away next week. we couldn't repair the car ourselves. we take it to a garage. 10. julia wears glasses. she wear glasses since she was very young. 2. заполните пропуски модальным глаголом should или shouldn’t и подходящим глаголом: apologize, go, listen, do, visit, look, invite, take, use, ask you look tired. you to bed. the government more to help homeless people. she drives everywhere. she never walks. she her car so much. your salary is very law. you for another job. what a beautiful view! you a photograph. we helen to the party. she is rude to people. i think you for money. otherwise you won’t be able to buy food. she she didn’t do anything wrong. you to private conversations. if you want a change, you some new places. 3. вставьте mustn’t или needn’t. you must keep it a secret. you tell anybody else. jim gave me a letter to post. i forget to post it. you can come with me if you like but you come if you don't want to. it's essential that nobody hears us. we make any noise. we have enough food at home so we go shopping today. that shirt isn’t dirty. you wash it. there's plenty of time for you to make up your mind. you decide now. we've got plenty of time. we hurry. this is a valuable book. you lose it. it’s not raining so i take my umbrella.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.jack left before the end of the meeting. he _had go home early. in britain many children wear uniform when they go to school. when you come to london again, you visit us. last night don became ill suddenly. we __had call a doctor. you really work harder if you want to pass the examination. i'm afraid she can't come tomorrow. she __has work late. this film is awesome! you watch it! caroline may _have go away next week. we couldn't repair the car ourselves. we _had take it to a garage. 10. julia wears glasses. she _has wear glasses since she was very young. 2.you look tired. you _ should   to bed. the government __ should   more to help homeless people. she drives everywhere. she never walks. she _ shouldn’t her car so much. your salary is very law. you _ should look for another job. what a beautiful view! you __ should take a photograph. we __ shouldn’t   helen to the party. she is rude to people. i think you _ should ask for money. otherwise you won’t be able to buy food. she __ shouldn’t apologize she didn’t do anything wrong. you _ shouldn’t to private conversations. if you want a change, you _ should visit some new places. 3. you must keep it a secret. you ’t _ tell anybody else. jim gave me a letter to post. i _ mustn’t __ forget to post it. you can come with me if you like but you __ needn’ come if you don't want to. it's essential that nobody hears us. we mustn’t make any noise. we have enough food at home so we needn’t go shopping today. that shirt isn’t dirty. you _ needn’t wash it. there's plenty of time for you to make up your mind. you __ needn’t decide now. we've got plenty of time. we __ needn’t hurry. this is a valuable book. you _ mustn’t lose it. it’s not raining so i __ needn’t take my umbrella.



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