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1. how much coffee …………..your dad drink ? 1. is 2. does 3. do 2 it ……….. often rain in summer. a. isn`t b. doesn`t c. don`t 3……… you like swimming? 1. do 2. does 3. are 4………kate (speak)english? a. is…..speak b. does…….speak c. do……….speaks 5. tom ……(help) mummy about the house every day. a. help b. helps c. helpes 6. i usually ……….(water) flowers, and my brother……) the room. a. water, clean b. waters, cleans c. water, cleans 7. i…(not/understand) that man because i…(not/know) english. a. not understand, don`t know b. don`t understand, not know c. don`t understand, don`t know 8. mary…………(not/ like) apples. a. not likes b. doesn`t like c. don`t like 9. he …………have much money. a. isn`t b. doesn`t c. don`t 10……mary ……) what i want? 1. mary knows 2. do mary knows 3. does mary know 11 when………….you feed your pet? a. do b. does c. are 12 ……………ann go to the sport club every monday? a. do b. does c. isalice speak ing

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. does 2. doesn't 3. do 4. 5.helps 6.water.cleans 7.don`t understand, don`t know 8.doesn't like 9.doesn't 10.does mary know 11.do 12.does

кажется, что они пешком. а)пришли б)пришёл,с)пришло,d)приходил


ответ: а)

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