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                                                                              the planets the moon is made of silver, the sun is made of gold, and jupiter is made of tin, so the ancients told. venus is made of copper, saturn is made of lead, and mars is made of iron, so te ancients said. but what the earth was made of very long ago the ancients never told us because they didn't know.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star! how i wonder what you are,up above the world so high,like a diamond in the sky.when the glorious sun is set,when the grass with dew is wet,then you show your little light,twinkle, twinkle all the night.in the dark-blue sky you keep,and often through my curtains peep,for you never shut your eye,till the sun is in the sky.вот и перевод: мерцай, мерцай, звездочкамерцай, мерцай, звездочкаты так высоко, над всем миром,ты как алмаз в небе! ,когда солнце заходит,когда ничто не сияет,тогда ты тихонько светишь,мерцай, мерцай всю ночь.путник во тьме тебя за твою искорку.он бы не видел, куда идти,если бы ты так не сверкала.

1) i will know english well if i live abroad. 2)   you will be healthy if you don't smoke. 3)all children .will have holidays if it is summer now. 4) i will be a school-leaver if l study in the 11th from.

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