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Задайте вопросы к словам указанным в скобках. 1.they put off (their meeting) last week. 2.(my sister) likes to go out in the evening. 3.i met this man in our office (yesterday). 4.i keep my documents (in the safe).

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Ответы на вопрос:

What did they put off last week? who likes to go out in the evening? when did you meet this man in our office? where do you keep your documents?

What did they put off last week? who likes to go out in the evening? when did you meet this man in our office? where do you keep your documents?

Свекла, луки, морковки, говядина, чеснок, сельдерей, пастернак, капуста, картошки, томатный сок

Популярно: Английский язык