Read the words in transcription write them down with letters ['raite]- ['pauit]- ['saiantist]- ['kaerekte]-

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Writer poet scientist character

Writer писатель  poet поэт scientist ученый character характер или герой (театральный или книжный)

1. If I woke up late I would miss the train.
2. If they saw a tiger, they would run away.
3. If you spent all your money you wouldn’t have money to buy your mother’s birthday present.
4. If we arrived home late we wouldn’t go to the cinema.
5. If she visited New York she would see the Empire State Building.
6. If I had her address I would send her an invitation.
7. If he had enough money he’d buy a new car.
8. If you asked me I would help you.

Популярно: Английский язык