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С,-дополните каждое второе предложение таким образом,чтобы по смыслу оно совпадало с первым предложением.используйте от двух до пяти слов,включая выделенное слово. 1) i`m almost certain i didn`t leave my wallet in the cafe. can`t my wallet in the cafe. 2)they`ll fin out that you`ve lied to them about your age.away you to them about your age. 3)todd lost my favourite cd,but i`ve forgiven him.for i`ve my favourite cd. 4)the woman said that my uncle was a theif! accused the a theif! 5)why didn`t you check the time of the film? should you the time of the film! 6)it`ll be difficult to reach the others as they`re a long way ahead. up it`ll be difficult others as they`re a long way ahead. 7)everyone said that i`d stolen the money! blamed everyone stealing the money. 8)it`s possible that jean saw don in the town centre. may in the tawn centre. 9)our teacher thought that trudy was responsible for the damage, but she wasn`t. blamed our teacher trudy , but she didn`t do it. 10) it was wrong of you to take that miney. have money.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) i`m almost certain i didn`t leave my wallet in the cafe. can`t

i can’t have left my wallet in the cafe.


2)they`ll find out that you`ve lied to them about your age.away

you won`t get away with lying to them about your age.


3)todd lost my favourite cd,but i`ve forgiven him.for

i`ve forgiven todd for losing my favourite cd.


4)the woman said that my uncle was a theif! accused

the woman accused my uncle of being a thief!


5)why didn`t you check the time of the film? should

you should have checked the time of the film!


6)it`ll be difficult to reach the others as they`re a long way ahead. up

it`ll be difficult to catch up with the others as they`re a long way ahead.


7)everyone said that i`d stolen the money! blamed

everyone blamed me for stealing the money.


8)it`s possible that jean saw don in the town centre. may

jean may have seen don in the town centre.


9)our teacher thought that trudy was responsible for the damage, but she wasn`t. blamed

our teacher blamed  the damage on trudy , but she didn`t do it.


10) it was wrong of you to take that money. have

you ought not to have taken that money.


House-museum of  chukovsky. in this house everything kept as it was in the last years of the writer.   many of his photos, drawings, paintings, book collection remind to us about chukovsky's link with russian culture.  in the living room you can see a pitcher that became a model for the artist, who designed the first edition of "moidodyr" and there is a black phone   which he used to speak. children were the most welcome guests in chukovsky's house. he liked to play with them there and read them his stories. 

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