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Если я хочу сказать "там что то есть"то нужно ли использовать there два раза в обороте и как наречие. например,как перевести: когда я в последний раз был там, там было много людей.

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Да, нужно но тогда лучше говорить на в такой последовательности там было много людей,  когда я в последний раз был там

Sometimes when people get a free minute, they eat the rest of the nature, can in another city and i, if it can be called "tradition" every month somewhere traveled. in december, i went snowboarding in january and february did similar containers, where winter is no longer so and not otdohnёsh.nastupila spring, then the problems began the rain, storm that's why we decided to go on the nature and tent to look at the beautiful phenomenon prirody.leto - not even to talk about it than about the most wonderful time of the year! do what you want, walk, swim, ed .. on the nature autumn begins school, on this as soon as possible on a sunday which is not a long time to go to his grandmother naprimer.no know without making lessons on saturday to monday, for a long time you have grandma is not in accordance with gost

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