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Переведите на язык, без переводчика. 66 . , ольга владимировна. вот и прошёл первый месяц лета. погода конечно плозая. в июне произошло событие о котором я мечтала так долго. я взяла домой кота. я принесла его с улици. за месяц мы его полностью вылечили. я его назвала кузя. с 11.06.2017 до 17.06.2017 я отдыхала на базе отдыха архангельская слобода. там было классно. я каждый день ела мороженное. и много гуляла. в июне я ходила гулять в центр с моей подругой настей. нам было весило. ещё 2 раза мы ходили в паре атрокционов. мне понравилось. июнь был не забываемым. с уважением лера.

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Hello, olga vladimirovna. so the first month of summer passed. the weather is of сдесь я не знаю . in june, there was an event that i had been dreaming about for so long. i took the cat home. i brought him from the street. for a month we completely cured him. i called him kuzya. from 11.06.2017 until 17.06.2017 i rested at the recreation center arkhangelskaya sloboda. it was great there. i ate ice cream every day. and very much walked. in june i went for a walk in the center with my friend nastya. we were very much weighed. two more times we went to a couple of atroktsionov. i really liked it. june was not forgettable.sincerely, lera.

Hello, olga vladimirovna. so the first month of summer passed. the weather is of course flat. in june, there was an event that i had been dreaming about for so long. i took the cat home. i brought him from the street. for a month we completely cured him. i called him kuzya. from 11.06.2017 until 17.06.2017 i rested at the recreation center arkhangelskaya sloboda. it was great there. i ate ice cream every day. and very much walked. in june i went for a walk in the center with my friend nastya. we were very much weighed. two more times we went to a couple of atroktsionov. i really liked it. june was not forgettable. sincerely, lera.

mobile phone is a very useful device. nowadays some people can hardly imagine themselves without mobile   phones. if   they leave it at home they feel quite helpless.

the main advantage of a phone is that you can   keep in touch with people in any place and in any time.   it is very useful if you need help. modern mobile phones are multi-function. you can play games, listen to music, find information in the internet, take photos and so on. we take it use it everywhere.   it helps you not to be bored. now all adults and all children have a mobile.    

but there are some disadvantages. people see each other less frequently. if parents give a mobile to their children he or she uses it at the lessons. it is not very good. the next disadvantage of mobile phones is their harmful influence on people’s health.

i think that nowadays mobile phones are an integral part of life of any person. we can do nothing with it. we can’t stop it. i personally need it every day. i need to call my parents or my friends. it helps me to keep in touch with my friends and relatives in any time. i also listen to music and find the information i need in it. 

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