Нужно сделать тесты по языку 1. fill in gaps with the following words: verdict, testified, prosecution, innocent, sentence, judge, arrest, witnesses, suspect, convicted, victims, guilty, charge, trial 1. none of the wants to testify in the murder trial because they are afraid the suspect will kill them when he gets out of prison. 2. i sure hope they the guy that has been breaking into cars all over the neighbourhood soon. 3. voltaire once stated that it is better to risk saving a guilty person than to condemn an one. 4. police have brought a of assault against the young man accused of beating up a classmate. 5. before sentencing, the said that it was the most horrible crime he had ever heard of. 6. during the trial, the old woman that on the night of the murder, she heard the accused threatening to kill the victim. 7. the murderer received a of twenty years in prison. 8. many old people are afraid of becoming of crime, but studies show the elderly are actually the least likely members of society to be attacked or robbed. 9. the suspect bowed his head and cried with relief when the was read out. 10. the police have no as of yet in the murder case. 11. he is a drug dealer who is also serving time for theft and assault. 12. the had to drop its case when its only witness died. 13. the witness gave evidence at the which suggested the police had arrested the wrong person. 14. the jury found him innocent, but i think he is

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. none of the witnesses want to testify in the murder trial because they are afraid the suspect will kill them when he gets out of prison.           2. i sure hope they arrest the guy that has been breaking into cars all over the neighbourhood soon.                          3. voltaire once stated that it is better to risk saving a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one.                                    4. police have brought a charge of assault against the young man accused of beating up a classmate.                  5. before sentencing, the judge said that it was the most horrible crime he had ever heard of.                              6. during the trial, the old woman testified that on the night of the murder, she heard the accused threatening to kill the victim.                  7. the murderer received a sentence of twenty years in prison.                                8. many old people are afraid of becoming victims of crime, but studies show the elderly are actually the least likely members of society to be attacked or robbed.                              9. the suspect bowed his head and cried with relief when the verdict was read out.                                    10. the police have no suspect as of yet in the murder case.                  11. he is a convicted drug dealer who is also serving time for theft and assault.    12. the prosecution had to drop its case when its only witness died.                        13. the witness gave evidence at the trial which suggested the police had arrested the wrong person.                          14. the jury found him innocent, but i think he is guilty.

if  i  won  the lottery, i  would travel  around the world.

if i won the lottery, i would   a castle in norway.

if  i  were  an alien, i  would be  able to travel around the universe.

if i won the lottery, i would move to hawaii.

if i won money i would help all my relatives.

if i won money i would buy a red car.

if i bought a red car i would ride it with my friends in the city at night.

if i became rich i would help poor people.

if there were no hungry people in this world, it would be a much better place.

if i studied well i would get a good job.

if i got a good job i wuold have a lot of money.

if we were in london today, we would be able to go to the concert.

if i was the president, i'd reduce taxes.

if i won the lottery, i'd buy a big house.

if i were you, i would drive more carefully in the rain.



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