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Кто может правильно перевести, . 1) на площадях есть памятники и скульпторы 2) некоторые сайты не открываются 3) я был занят на прошлой неделе 4) прошлым летом наши друзья обещали начать строительство, но они не начали его. 5) как только мы примем решение, мы сообщим вам об этом 6) я собираюсь написать роман 7) мы гуляли целый вечер в парке 8) ты собирался поехать на прошлым летом 9) я не смогу встретиться с тобой завтра вечером 10) ты уж задавал мне этот вопрос 11) мы ещё не получили ответа на наше письмо 12) решающий гол в матче был забит известным испанским футболистом 13) мой друг сказал, что может мне 14) к 10 часам утра самолет уже приземлился 15) мы решили купить новый стиральный порошок после того, как увидели рекламу.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. squares has monuments and sculptures. 2. some of the sites can't be opened. 3. last week i was too busy. 4. last summer our friends promised to begin the construction but they didn't. 5. as soon as we will take the decision we'll let you know. 6. i am going to write a novel. 7. we were walking in the park for the whole evening. 8. you were going to bali last summer. 9. i can't meet you tomorrow. 10. you have already asked me this question. 11. we haven't received the answer for our letter yet. 12. the decisive goal in this match was by famous spanish football player. 13. my friend told me he could help. 14. by the 10 o'clock the jet has already landed. 15. we decided to buy a new detergent powder after we saw an advertisement.

1. there are monuments  and sculptures at the squares. 2. some web pages don't open. 3.i was very busy last week. 4.last summer our friends promised to start construction,  but they haven't started it. 5. as soon as we come to a conclusion, we will let you know. 6.i'm planning to write a poem. 7.the whole evening we were  walking (strolling)  in the park. 8.i was planning to go to bali last summer. 9.i will not be able to meet you tomorrow night. 10.you already asked me this question. 11.we haven't received an answer for our letter. 12. the deciding goal of this match was scored by a famous italian  soccer player. 13. my friend said that he can help me. 14. by ten a.m. the plain had landed. 15. we decided to buy a new detergent after watching the advertisement.

Is your brother at school? - yes, he is.

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