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Рассказ о себе на языке с переводом 5 класс план: я люблю я умею

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Ответы на вопрос:

i like to walk with friends and i like to play computer games with them. sometimes my friends and i ride a bike. i like to ride my bike and i can cycle well.

when mum comes home from work, i can help her around the house, i can wash the dishes and vacuum the carpet myself.

my mother cooks well and i like my mother's goodies.

i also like to sing karaoke and i'm good at it. i can do it well.

я люблю гулять с друзьями и я люблю играть с ними в компьютерные игры. иногда мы с друзьями катаемся на велосипеде я хорошо умею кататься на велосипеде.

когда мама приходит с работы я могу ей по дому, я могу сам помыть посуду и пропылесосить.

мама вкусно готовит и я люблю мамину еду.

ещё я люблю петь в караоке и у меня это хорошо получается.

1.i shall invite my friends to my birthday party.

my friends will be invited to my birthday party

2.people lose things in buses every day.

things are lost on buses every day

3.rita will buy flowers for her mother.

flowers will be bought by rita for her mother

4.sam chose a nice present for his girl-friend.

a nice present was chosen by sam for his girl-friend

5.lucy didn’t write the test yesterday.

the test wasn’t written by lucy yesterday

Популярно: Английский язык