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1. раскройте скобки, используя сослагательное наклонение (второе условие). 1. if i … (be) you, i … (write) to her. 2. if i … (be) taller, i … (play) in a basketball team. 3. if you … (stay) longer, you … (meet) my parents. 4. if she … (not eat) so much, she … (be) slimmer. 5. if he … (not see) them, he … (not know) the truth. 6. what … you … (do) if you …(see) him? 7. what … you … (do) if you …(have) million dollars? 8. if they … (have) million dollars, they … (travel) around the world. 9. what … you … (do) if you …(lose) your key? 10. if i … (lose) my key, i … (call) my parents. раскройте скобки, используя сослагательное наклонение (третье условие). 1. if he hadn’t broken his bicycle, he would … (go) to the country. 2. if i hadn’t had a bad headache yesterday, i could … (come) to see you. 3. if the ship … (not sail) near the coast, it would … (not strike) a rock. 4. if he … (be) in town, he would … (be) present at our meeting. 5. if the road … (not be) so slippery, i … (not fall) and hurt my leg. 6. if they .. (make) a fire, the wolves … (run) away. 7. if i … (expect) my friend to come, i … (not go) to the cinema. 8. if i … (have) a dictionary, i … (translate) the article yesterday. 9. if we … (get) a letter from him, we … (not worry). 10. if she … (come) home late last night, her father … (be) angry.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) were, would write 2)was, would play 3) stayed, would meet 4) didnt it, would be 5)didnt see, wouldnt know 6) did you do, would see 7) did you do, would have 8) had, would travel 9)did you do, would lose 10) lost, would call

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