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1. i’m a nurse. and do you do? a) how b) what c) which d) who 2. can i have fruit, please? a) a lot b) any c) no d) some 3. we go on picnics in the summer. a) a lot b) a lot of c) many d) never 4. we’re thirsty! is there juice left? a) a lot b) any c) no d) some 5. mary can all night long. a) dance b) dances c) dancing d) to dance 6. boys over there are spanish. a) that b) these c) this d) those 7. jim is a security guard. he sleeps during the day and works night. a) at b) at the c) in d) on 8. nick is a tennis player than tom. a) bad b) badly c) worse d) worst 9. mary drives car to work every day. a) an b) her c) hers d) she 10. they want to visit china they love chinese cuisine. a) because b) but c) so d) why 11. we’ve been good friends many years. a) during b) for c) from d) since 12. you pay for the tickets. they’re free. a) doesn? t have to b) don? t have c) have to d) needn? t 13. these are the photos we took on holiday. a) what b) where c) which d) who 14. he doesn’t smoke now, but he a lot when he was young. a) has smoked b) smokes c) used to smoke d) was smoked 15. nickolas plays chess anyone else i know. a) as best as b) better as c) better than d) more good than 16. i promise i you with the washing-up as soon as i finish this cleaning. a) am going to help b) am helping c) help d) will help 17. how about out tonight? a) eat b) eating c) to eat d) for eating 18. i didn’t like the film. i think it was really boring. a) so did i b) me too c) neither did i d) so i didn? t 19. we won’t go on holiday we save enough money. a) if b) unless c) when d) as soon as 20. jill went down with flu and stay in bed for a week. a) mustn? t b) have to c) had to d) need 21. excuse me, can you me the way to the station, please? a) give b) speak c) tell d) say 22. i to the cinema since last year. a) didn? t go b) haven? t gone c) haven? t been d) don? t go 23. bag is this? – it’s neil’s. a) which b) what c) whose d) where 24. who was the man a) spoke to you b) you were speaking to c) that you spoke d) you were telling 25. this suitcase it too heavy for me lift. a) to b) for c) that d) too 26. there wasn’t anything interesting on tv last night, a) wasn? t it b) was there c) wasn? t there d) is there 27. i lunch when somebody knocked on the door. a) had b) was having c) am having d) have 28. there is a five-hour time difference london and new york. a) among b) in c) at d) between 29. they wanted to come to dinner, but we could not go. a) we b) us c) our d) ours 30. i have been playing piano since i was five. a) a b) an c) the d) _ 31. i’m going to visit mexico and united states. a) a b) an c) the d) _ 32. you will pass the test if you work a) excellent b) hard c) hardly d) good 33. you certainly wouldn’t like in such bad company. a) to have seen b) to be seen c) to see d) to be seeing 34. i’ve lost my watch. will you help me look it? a) at b) after c) for d) forward 35. i often money from my parents. a) lend b) borrow c) save d) owe 36. he on a business trip next monday. a) goes b) is going c) will be go d) has gone 37. greg married my mother after my parents divorced, so he’s my a) father b) step-father c) father-in-law d) nephew 38. he used to be a chain smoker, but he gave smoking ten years ago. a) up b) out c) in d) away

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) b) what, a) по смыслу не подходит, с) и d) вообще лишены смысла 2) b) any some - только утверждение, a lot употребляется с of , если относится к существительному 3) a) a lot 4) b) any 5) a) dance - после модальных глаголов bare infinitive 6) d) those these не может быть из-за употребления over there 7) a) at 8) c) worse 9) b) her 10) a) because 11) b) for 12) нет правильного ответа: don't have to 13) c) which 14) c) used to smoke 15) c) better than 16) d) will help 17) b) eating 18) c) neither did i 19) b) unless 20) c) had to 21) c) tell 22) c) haven't been 23) c) whose 24) b) you were speaking to 25) a) to 26) b) was there 27) b) was having 28) d) between 29) b) us 30) c) the 31) c) the 32) b) hard 33) b) to bee seen 34) c) for 35) b) borrow 36) b) is going 37) c) step-father 38) a) up

Сначала на , потом на : парижский диснейленд — самая популярная во франции туристическая достопримечательность, привлекающая ежегодно в два раза больше посетителей, чем эйфелева башня или лувр, работает 365 дней в году, летом с 9 утра до 11 вечера, зимой — с 9 до 6 вечера, без перерывов. диснейленд расположен в 32 км к востоку от парижа и занимает территорию равную 1/5 площади столицы франции. тематический парк предлагает вниманию аттракционы, парады и шоу. чтобы не упустить нечто особенное, свеженькое и сегодняшнее, рекомендуется запастись программой всех представлений — она обновляется ежедневно. программу, а заодно и карту парка можно получить в бюро информации. оно находится в двух шагах от входа — в сити-холл на главной улице. программы предлагаются на шести языках: , французском, , голландском, испанском и итальянском. еще одно бюро информации находится на центральной площади. каждый день в 15.00 на главной улице проходит гранд-парад персонажей любимых сказок и мультфильмов: аладдинов, русалочек и прочих любимцев. по вечерам — те же персонажи шествуют в нарядах из электрических лампочек. завершается день музыкальным фейерверком. евро — диснейленд традиционно делится на пять основных зон — стран: главная улица — мейн-стрит сша — воплощение американского городка xix века. здесь расположена станция, откуда отправляется поезд по всему парку, а по самой улице ходит настоящая конка. франтьерлэнд. многие из самых популярных аттракционов парка (10 аттракционов + небольшой зоопарк) находятся во (frontierland франтьерлэнд — пограничный район, налево от центральной улицы). франтьерлэнд — это мир вестерна с огромной гремящей горой в центре, по обрывистым берегам и тёмным тоннелям которой, вы промчитесь на поезде времён дикого запада. вокруг гремящей горы небольшое, симпатичное озеро с островами и гротами. по озеру можно покататься на индейском каноэ, шлюпке или миссисипском колесном теплоходе тех же времен. на одном из берегов расположилась индейская деревня покахонтас, а неподалёку лавки с ковбойскими шляпами, тир, ресторан барбекю и салун «лаки наггет» с шоу канкан. на другой стороне в замке призраков размещены самые эффектные диснеевские чудеса аудиоанимации.disneyland paris is the most popular france tourist attraction, which attracts every year twice as many visitors than the eiffel tower or the louvre, is open 365 days a year, in summer from 9 am to 11 pm, in winter from 9 am to 6 pm, without interruption. disneyland is located 32 km east of paris and occupies the territory equal to 1/5 the area of the french capital. theme park offers rides, parades and shows. not to miss out on something special, fresh and current, it is recommended to stock up on all of the submissions — it is updated daily. the program, and along with map of the park can be obtained at the information desk. it is a stone's throw from the entrance to city hall on main street. programs are offered in six languages: english, french, german, dutch, spanish and italian. another information desk is located in the central square. every day at 15.00 on the main street is the grand parade of fairy tale characters and cartoons: aladdin, princesses and other favorites. in the evenings the same characters parade in outfits from light bulbs. the day ends with musical fireworks. euro disneyland is traditionally divided into five main zones — countries: main street — main street usa — the epitome of the american city of the nineteenth century. here is the station where the train around the park and on the street goes the real competition. frontierland. many of the most popular amusement park (rides of 10 + small zoo) is located at (frontierland frontierland — border area, left from the main street). frontierland is the western world is rumbling with the huge mountain in the centre, on the steep banks and dark tunnels where you take the train of the days of the wild west. rumbling around the mountains small, cute lake with islands and grottos. on the lake you can ride on an indian canoe, boat or a mississippi paddle boat the same time. on one of the shores of the indian village of pocahontas and nearby shops with cowboy hats, a shooting gallery, a bbq restaurant and saloon "lucky nugget" from the show is the cancan. on the other side of the castle ghosts hosted the most spectacular wonders of disney autoanimation.

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