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Где тут абзац и знаки препинания hello, my friend, thanks for the invitation! i'm really surprised to receive e-mail. it would be a great vacation with you. unfortunately, i must say, as i promised to visit her grandmother on my travels. it will be sad if it doesn `i see. also, my old friends from the village i was waiting on ice. you see, i can not leave it. i'm sorry. can i spend easter with you? email me.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Новый абзац начинается на: unfortunately, i must и ещё can i spend easter with you?

Абзац всего знаки препинания все на месте

У меня переводчик типо исправь ошибки,вот:1. Jamie: I’d like English, please.

2. Sally: And I’ll have a , good

3. Waiter: So that’s two Thai ready chicken and rice. What would you like to ?

Популярно: Английский язык