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Нужна с . определите функции инфинитива и переведите предложения на язык: 1. to dissolve this substance is difficult. 2. to launch rockets a new type of fuel was needed. 3. the purpose of tension test is to determine the mechanical characteristics of a material. 4. the northernmost russian health-resort is to be founded soon in siberia, on the banks of the river lena. 5. when airplanes appeared, amundsen learned to fly, becoming the first norwegian civilian flier. 6. the design of a mechanism depends on the work to be done. 7. to use atomic energy for peaceful purposes is the task of our scientists. 8. the substance to be tested must be wet or in a solution. 9. it is very important to determine the degree of radiation during a flight. 10. to determine the density of a body, it is necessary to determine its mass and its volume.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. to dissolve this substance is difficult.- (что? ) растворить это вещество сложно. - подлежащее2. to launch rockets a new type of fuel was needed. - (зачем? ) для запуска ракеты необходим новый тип топлива. -   обстоятельство цели3. the purpose of tension test is to determine the mechanical characteristics of a material. - цель испытаний на растяжение (какая? ) определить механические характеристики материала. - определение4. the northernmost russian health-resort is to be founded soon in siberia, on the banks of the river lena. - самая северная российская здравница скоро будет создана в сибири, на берегах лены. - в составе сказуемого5. when airplanes appeared, amundsen learned to fly, becoming the first norwegian civilian flier. - когда появились самолеты, амундсен научился (чему? ) летать, став первым норвежским гражданским летчиком. - дополнение6. the design of a mechanism depends on the work to be done. - конструкция механизма зависит от работы, (какой? ) которая должна быть сделана. - определение7. to use atomic energy for peaceful purposes is the task of our scientists. - (что? ) использовать атомную энергию в мирных целях - наших ученых. - подлежащее8. the substance to be tested must be wet or in a solution. - (какое? ) испытываемое вещество должно быть влажным или находиться в растворе. - определение9. it is very important to determine the degree of radiation during a flight. - это важно (что? ) определить степень радиации во время полета. - дополнение10. to determine the density of a body, it is necessary to determine its mass and its volume. -  (зачем? ) чтобы определить плотность тела, необходимо определить ее массу и объем. - обстоятельство цели

1he became famous. 2the lessons begin at 8.00. 3 the wind blew very fast yesterday. 4 they watched tv yesterday. 5 he didn't break the vase. 6 we didn't bring books. 7 they didn't build a house last year. 8 i didn't visit my friend. 9 did you buy a car last week? 10 did they catch any fish? 11 did he choose the film?

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