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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в present perfect, present continuous, present simple или past simple. 1. what you (to read) now? - i (to read) " jane eyre" by charlotte bront. 2. they (to read) " ivanhoe" by walter scott a month ago. what about you? you (to read) "ivanhoe"? 3, my watch (to stop). there (to be) something wrong with it. 4. you (to see) jack today? -yes, i (to see) him at the institute.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. whatare you reading now? - i am reading "jane eyre" by charlotte brint. 2. they read "ivanhoe" by walter scott a month ago. 3. mt watch is stoping/ there is wrong with it. 4.have you seen jack today? - yes, i have seen him at the institute.

1. понять в чём проблема 2. успокоить виновного и пострадавшего  3. померить а если с тобой 1. улыбайся  2. скажи фразы на подобе "ой всё забыли" "проехали" и т.д. 3. просто старайся обходить или уходить из этой ситуации

Популярно: Английский язык