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Choose the right variant. 1. the waiter is ….. coffee behind the counter. a. doing; b. does; c. making; d. makes; e. do; 2. … we going to the cinema this evening? a. can; b. are; c. am; d. were; e. could; 3. luke….. listening! he’s asleep! a. is; b. isn’t; c. ‘s; d. aren’t; e. are not; 4. she works in a shop clothes. a) who; b) when; c) that; d) where; e. if; 5. we the garden when we suddenly saw a snake. a. sat; b. were sitting; c. was sitting; d. sit; e. are sit; 6. mark is the man lives next door. a. who; b. that; c. which; d. where; e. when; 7. a ferry is a carries people and cars. a. who; b. when; c. which; d. why; e. where; 8. danny lives in flats. a. house; b. stairs; c. garden; d. garage; e. block. 9. when i was a child, i used to ….. i was superman. a. pretend; b. make c. worry; d. believed; e. try; 10. my parents …. about me if i forget to ring them. a. worry; b. worries; c. worried; d. unhappy; c are worrying; 11. … i take your pen? a. may b. will be able c. does d. has e. had 12. must i wear these shoes? – no, you… a. mustn’t; b. can’t; c. weren’t; d. isn’t; e. aren’t;

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1c 2 b 3 b 4 d 5 b 6 a 7 c 8 e 9 a 10 a 11 a 12 a

Owls have big eyes and big head. the mayor part of them are brown. owls are hunting at night, because they are noctural animals. owls are very clever and funny.

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