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Составить диалог или хотя бы текст. тема отношение американцев к времени, например часто ли они опаздывают, тратят больше времени на отдых или на работу и т.д.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Do you think americans are often late? no. some of them may be irresponsible, but most of them are also working people, and a country can't be successful if nobody shows up on time. they can also get fired if they're late. -alright. but do they spend more time on holidays, or do they work more? it's hard to say. high stress jobs are required to give their employees time off, it's illegal not to let the people relax. menial jobs like trolley pushers or cashiers don't have a lot of breaks. скажи, если тебя не устраивает мой ответ)

спроси у курчаново он даст ответ ))!!

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