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Нужно правильно раскрыть скобки. буду за ваши ответы. 1) barry said that the wind was so strong that it ……………………… (probably, cause) some damage. 2) barbara told me that her neighbour …………………………………………… (always, overdo) steaks. 3) sophie ………………………, speak) about since she paid through the nose for her stilettos. 4) the chef knew that he ……………………………………. (roast) the pork from 10 till 11 o’clock the following morning. 5) marietta will gladly scale the fish if she ……………………………. (ask). 6) linda said that the wind would probably cause some damage if it , abate). 7) a salad ……………………………. (prepare) by the chef when i entered the kitchen. 8) look, this is a secret. come into the garden where we ………………………………, overhear). 9) she said they ……………………………… (already, arrange) to meet in lombard street.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) barry said that the wind was so strong that it would (probably cause) some damage. 2) barbara told me that her neighbour was (always been overdoing) steaks. 3) sophie has (much been spoken) about since she paid through the nose for her stilettos. 4) the chef knew that he would be (roasting) the pork from 10 till 11 o’clock the following morning. 5) marietta will gladly scale the fish if she is (asked). 6) linda said that the wind would probably cause some damage if it did (not abate). 7) a salad was being (prepared) by the chef when i entered the kitchen. 8) look, this is a secret. come into the garden where we shall (not be overheard). 9) she said they had (already arranged) to meet in lombard street.

1. he is the shyest boy in the class. 2. my father is the strongest. 3. her brother is  the noisiest out of everybody. 4. my mother is kinder than my friend. 5. her sister is more beautiful than his brother. 6. it was the noisiest concert. 7. he was the smartest student in our school.  8. the book is better that the film. 9. my hair is longer that my sister's hair. 

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